Welcome to the FSR Brand Blog!

Welcome to the FSR Brand Blog!

Welcome to the Five Star Racewear blog, affectionately known as the FSR Brand Blog. If you're reading this, you know well enough that racing is an expensive sport, and it's not getting any cheaper. Many of you are parents of youth racers, some of you are just getting started on your own, and some of you have been doing it for years. No matter where you are on that spectrum, it's expensive to build and maintain a car, not to mention getting it to the track, feeding yourselves while you're there, and the list goes on and on.


In addition to providing a top-notch platform for grassroots racing merchandise, we want to help you learn how to use merch and other tools to build your brand (or your little racer's brand) to attract sponsors for this fun hobby. There are many ways you can make yourself attractive to potential sponsors.


The more eyes on you, the more eyes on your next sponsor. And that, my friends, is the important part. Sponsorships are not charity, or at least they shouldn't be treated that way. Is the sponsor logo on the car important? Maybe. Should it look presentable for the fans in attendance at the track? Absolutely. But that is just the tip of the iceberg. In addition to that sticker on the car, you should be doing several, if not all, of these things:


  • Have your own website.
  • Have a social media presence (not your personal page, but a business page) with regular content.
  • Forge media partnerships: reach out to local news outlets with your results in press release form or even put a bug in their ear that you have a story people would like to hear.
  • Do some contests and giveaways (especially if you have a sponsor that sells something).
  • Do product reviews on your sponsor's products.
  • Make sure you and your crew look good at the track. (We know a guy!)
  • Don't make a scene at the track; attention is good, but make sure it's the right attention.
  • Create an email marketing list (from visitors to your website).
  • Have professional sponsorship proposals.
  • And on all of these platforms, tell your story. People like stories, and sponsors are people.


Whether you do one, five, or all of these things, marketing yourself requires consistency, perseverance, and dedication. If you stumble or fall, get back up and try again. Consistent effort will increase your visibility, attract good sponsors, and build a strong, engaged fan base. That is what a sponsor is looking for. Although they may love you and your shiny race car, it's all part of the BUSINESS of motorsports, and they need to see a return on their investment to keep coming back year after year. 

These are just some of the topics we will cover on the FSR Brand Blog in the coming weeks. In addition to solid content on building your brand, we will also spotlight our partners. We will interview our partners to learn more about them, tell their stories, highlight their sponsors, and figure out tips and tricks that helped them land sponsorships.


We appreciate you sticking around to the end of the first blog post. We are super excited to help our community further build your brand. FSR Brand Blog out!




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> Visit -> bit.ly/FSRPartnerProgram1


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> Sign up at bit.ly/FSRSignMeUp